martes, 1 de enero de 2013

Shall we edit a book together?

Versión en español
 As you probably already know, a few months ago I published my first book. I did the full process, from text writing to images preparation and document layout, until the final online publication (as a paperback..) through CreateSpace. Truth is that I sold more or less as expected - almost nothing. But the process was fascinating. Anyway, since CreateSpace is depending on Amazon, my book can be easily found on the Internet...

So far, quite clear. Now, the proposal...

You know that you have that short story, book... somewhere in a drawer. You never had time to look for the way to publish it. Maybe you thought nobody would buy it. But new technologies allow you to publish a single physical book at low cost - if this is what you want. Or maybe just a few, to distribute among your family or friends.

Well, you can count on me as amateur editor, surely cheaper than professional ones. And, except for some clear cases (for example plagiarism, illegal activities...), I won't tell you NO...

If you have the text in electronic format (Word DOC, TXT, RTF, ODT...), you might have your book in your hands in just over a month... How does this look like? We just need to agree to size, cover, style... And if you did not finish it - do it now! - It is easier than you think... Just send me an email to

alberto.garciabriz ( at )

and we will discuss it... And, of course, you may make a business with your book! Send me a basic description and I will provide you with the details...

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