jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013


versión en español

I know, I know. It's been already a few days since I last updated something in this blog... Neither old content (from the original posts on http://albertog.over-blog.es) nor new one. And believe me, I have new things to post...
But currently I am enganed in a couple of urgent topics, I hope you'll understand:

  • I am attending a Community Manager course, I should finish it in a couple of months
  • I am preparing a new book (which is NOT the update of my book on black and white conversion with GIMP). It will be some kind of "Notes on Photography", which I would use in some planned lectures over this summer... we'll see.
So don't expect many updates around here. Or maybe yes, but not related to GIMP...

Thanks for your patience.

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